Roxy - Whatever Happens Next

Fear holds many of us back. The fear of the unknown is the culprit for many missed opportunities and regret. I am grateful every time I face my fears and change. I celebrate when the unknown becomes the known.  

Whatever Happens Next

The Prince: “Please! You don’t know what you’re doing!”                                   

Roxy: "Sure I do. I’m being a hero. Here’s to whatever happens next!” *

Some superheroes are Artificial Intelligence (AI). This is the case for Roxy. Roxy was an AI created by the original Hourman, Rex Tyler, to help the Justice Society as an information retrieval system however she has holographic and robotic forms of herself. Roxy was still a machine and was called heartless, but she wanted to be human and experience the same feelings as “those made of meat”. When push comes to shove she did what was right and the humane thing no matter what happened next.

We never fully know what will happen next. We have certain events memorized or we can give an educated guess in certain situations. We are often correct in these guesses. When thinking about “what will happen next” we have to put our leap of faith into practice. We need to live in the moment. We also must have flexibility. This is practice and it is difficult at times. The best way to live in the moment and not worry about the next event is to seek Balance – Physical Emotional and Spiritual Balance. When we try to live moderately things tend to run more smoothly. Once we reach a certain level we can celebrate changes. We definitely will be able to say easily, “Here’s to whatever happens next!”           

First Appearance: JSA All-Stars, #2, DC Comics, March 2010,  

Creators: Matthew Sturges (writer) & Freddie Williams II (art)

*JSA All-Stars, #18, “A Better World”, DC Comics, July 2010