Eternity Smith - Technology

It’s hard to remember what life was like with out smartphones. I can sit back and remember the ground like phone, a time without the internet. Do I want to go back to that time – no. However, I do turn off my phone and go for a walk or read a book lying on the couch. I find ways to disconnect from technology so I can reconnect with myself.


“Technology is neither good nor evil. Technology simply is.” - Eternity Smith*

In the year 1976, scientist, Ethan Caldwell Smith was teleported into the future to battle evil. He spent years fighting in a future war. 10 years later, 1986, he returns to find the evil that started the war. Using the moniker Eternity Smith and the technology from the future, Ethan finds his daughter Sky and the two set out to prevent the future he experienced.   

These words are true. “Technology is neither good nor evil. Technology simply is.” Technology is a tool we use it daily. However, we forget to use it sparingly. For many of us it is our main source of connection, communication and entertainment. We forget that the electric flashes from the screens are not good for our eyes or minds. We are always in front of a computer or Smartphone. We forget to get exercise. We forget to communicate using our voices and good manners – people are just texts on a screen. It is best to get up and go for a 20 minute walk. It is a good idea to put the technology down for 20 minutes and meditate with our eyes closed. It would be awesome to meet a friend in public at a nearby coffee shop and speak with our voices.

Eternity Smith
First Appearance: Eternity Smith, #1 (September 1986), Renegade Comics

Creators: Dennis Malonee (writer) Rick Hoberg (art)

* “Windows of Opportunity”, Eternity Smith, #3 (January 1987) Renegade Comics