El Diablo - Conduit

I think we all strive to be a force of good. That is a noble undertaking. It is important to try at least – help the little old lady living next door, cleaning out the lint filters in the apartment building dryers or purposefully leaving the book you just finished on the bus for the next person to read. However, when we do what we like that is also being a force of good. I love to paint it makes the world a better place (at least for me) when I paint.


“I feel that there is some force inside me, using me as a conduit.” - Robert Kanigher*

Sometimes people don’t even think of becoming a hero – it just happens. Lazarus Lane is a lowly bank teller during the “Old Wild West”. The bank he worked is robbed. Lazarus Lane is nearly killed by the robbers then struck by lightning. Lazarus Lane is found in a coma by a Comanche Shaman, Wise Owl. The shaman brings Lazarus back to the realm of the living in a shamanistic ceremony. Lazarus Lane finds he inhabited by a demon, the spirit of vengeance. Taking the name El Diablo, for the demon inside Lazarus becomes a vigilante. Lazarus Lane, El Diablo, became a force of good.

According to the late Robert Kanigher sometimes we feel a force inside and we become conduits of good. Mr. Kanigher was speaking about his writing that was what he was good at, not understanding why he was given such a gift. We have been given gifts. Some of us are painters, writers and dancers – talented beyond belief. But then again we have doctors, teachers and accountants. These people are just as talented. When we are doing what makes us happy then we are connected to the force of good. We become conduits and the world, our world is a better place.

El Diablo (Lazarus Lane)
First Appearance: All-Star Western, #2 (October 1970), DC Comics

Creators: Robert Kanigher (writer) and Gray Morrow (art)

* Q and A: Sgt Rock's Robert Kanigher in 1999, Tuesday, December 8, 2009, by Christopher Irving
